
  • Family
  • History
  • Architecture

Athens is a symbol of Western civilisation, a city boasting a fascinating history that goes back more than three thousand years. From almost any part of the city, you can catch a glimpse of the mighty Acropolis, where the city's most famous sights are located. The capital of Greece is an exquisite blend of ancient and modern worlds, enchanting visitors with its amazing cultural attractions and ancient legends, as well as the restaurant of Plaka, the old historical neighbourhood and the hub of social life.

Weather averages in May

  • Day 25°C
  • Night 16°C
  • Rain 2

Athens is a symbol of Western civilisation, a city boasting a fascinating history that goes back more than three thousand years. From almost any part of the city, you can catch a glimpse of the mighty Acropolis, where the city's most famous sights are located. The capital of Greece is an exquisite blend of ancient and modern worlds, enchanting visitors with its amazing cultural attractions and ancient legends, as well as the restaurant of Plaka, the old historical neighbourhood and the hub of social life.

Weather averages in May

  • Day 25°C
  • Night 16°C
  • Rain 2

Cheap flights

Flight prices are provided by Skyscanner and are updated twice a day. Prices are indicative and may differ from the final price, which needs to be confirmed with your carrier.

Average prices

The start of democracy

Athens … the birthplace of democracy, theatre, and Western civilization. Named after its protector Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and courage, Athens is a real paradise for history and archaeology lovers and attracts throngs of visitors because of its world-famous archaeological ruins. The ones that stand out are the Acropolis complex with the Parthenon, the Ancient and Roman Agoras, Hadrian's Library, the Temple of Zeus at Olympia and the Panathenaic Olympic Stadium. The magnificent Acropolis of Athens, which is also inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, is built on a high cliff above the city and is visible from almost all parts of Greece’s capital. Take your time and admire this amazing landmark at different times of the day.

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While justifiably famous for its amazing museums, restaurants and cultural events, one of the best things you can do in Athens is simply to walk the streets and squares and enjoy the lively atmosphere. Take a leisurely stroll through Plaka, the old town of Athens, where many restaurants, cafés and souvenir shops await you. The neighbourhood is quite tourist-oriented, with many street musicians, photographers and flower sellers, but is still considered the most beautiful part of the city and well worth a visit. Alternatively, experience a different beat in the modern neighbourhoods of Kypseli and Keramikos, where young Athenians are renovating abandoned buildings, opening pop up restaurants and creating interesting art projects. Get ready to feel the intense power of creative energy.

The magnificent Acropolis of Athens, which is also inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, is built on a high cliff above the city and is visible from almost all parts of Greece’s capital.

A visit to the capital is often just a stop on the way to the islands. But you don’t really need to walk far to get away from the hustle and bustle, as Athens boasts a beautiful coastline with beaches where you can swim for six months of the year. Enjoy a well-deserved break from history and culture in restaurants, cafés and bars or indulge in the varied nightclub life in the city centre or at its beaches.

Sights in Athens

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Temple of Olympian Zeus

The temple dedicated to Zeus, the head of the Olympian gods, is also known as the Olympieion.

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The Acropolis of Athens

The ancient citadel lies on a rocky outcrop overlooking the city of Athens and contains the remains of several ancient buildings.

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The main temple of the Acropolis of Athens, dedicated to the goddess Athena.

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The marble Agora of Athens is the best known and one of the best preserved agoras.

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Acropolis Museum

An archaeological museum focused on the finds from the archaeological site of the Acropolis of Athens.


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Athens Airport is the busiest airport in Greece, located east of the Greek capital in the municipality of Spata-Artemida. The modern airport is easily accessible by public transport (metro and bus). Central Athens is a 45-minute car drive away.

The Flight Schedule shown is of informative nature. It represents current official announcements of airlines and can distinguish from actual flight operations, due to the current situation and frequent changes. We advise you to check actual seasonal flight timetable on websites of respective carriers.

All times shown herein are local times. The information shown in this timetable is subject to modifications without notice. Please consult your airline or travel agent. Mandatory flight check-in opens two hours (120 min) before scheduled departure and closes half an hour (30 min) before departure, when boarding begins. Individual carriers may have special requirements, for example EasyJet, where flight check-in closes forty minutes (40 min) before scheduled departure.

